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Ash, white oil
Elm, natural oil
Maple, white oil
Oak, natural oil
Oak, white oil

Table tops:

Ash, white oil
Elm, natural oil
Maple, white oil
Oak, natural oil
Oak, white oil
Granite, nero assoluto

HANSEN Blocks dimensions:

Furniture without table top:
Small: 712 x 890 x 600 mm
Medium: 980 x 890 x 600 mm
Large: 1204 x 890 x 600 mm

Table tops:

Small: 716 x 20 x 604 mm
Medium: 984 x 20 x 604 mm
Large: 1208 x 20 x 604 mm

Furniture with table top:

Small: 716 x 910 x 604 mm
Medium: 984 x 910 x 604 mm
Large: 1208 x 910 x 604 mm

HANSEN Blocks is delivered with or without back panel on choice.

Download  HANSEN Blocks catalogue here


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HANSEN Living ApS   |   Broager 9  |   Hellested   |    DK - 4652 Haarlev   |   T +45 2097 3007   |   info@hansenliving.dk